Ribbing rib small off white
Ribbing is used for finishing off sleeves, or for example the bottom of jackets and sweaters.
A short explanation:
You cut off a piece of ribbing of the desired cuff width and twice the height of the cuff (you are going to put it double on the jacket / sweater) + seam allowance. This width will be narrower than the sleeve of the jacket / sweater. You divide the collar over the width of the sleeve, which is possible due to the high stretchability of the ribbing. That way you ensure a form-fitting finish finish to your sleeve!
Composition: 95% Cotton 5% Lycra
Width: 65CM (circular knitted)
Weight: 310gr / m2
View all colors of ribbing here
Request your fabric sample here: https://www.stoffenenzo.nl/stofstalen
Ribbing rib small off white